Kumita Tutorial: How to Create a Viewing List
In the fast-paced and dynamic real estate industry, brokers often find it difficult to keep track of client meet-ups and viewing schedules. The Create a Viewing List feature of Kumita by Hoppler helps Partner Brokers stay on top of their schedules and create a list of available properties that can be scheduled for viewing.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can create viewing lists with Kumita:
Step 1 of 2: Log In to Access the Kumita Dashboard
Hoppler Partner Brokers with approved listings get exclusive access to the Kumita Dashboard. However, if you are not yet a Partner Broker but want to have an access to the dashboard, sign up here.
- Click Log In / Register on top of the page.
- Enter your email address and password.
- Click the Sign In button.
Once, signed in, you will be redirected to your My Business dashboard.
Step 2 of 2: Use the Create a Viewing List Feature
- Click Create a Viewing List
You will see all your accepted leads that can be scheduled for viewing. Before you schedule a viewing, ensure that you first review your client’s Fast Track Form to check their preferred viewing date. To do this:
- Choose an inquiry.
- Under the Attachments column, click the View button of your chosen inquiry.
- Click Fast Track Form.
- Your client’s inquiry details will appear on the right side of the page, beside your list of accepted leads.
- Click Property Preferences.
- Scroll down until you are at the bottom of the page
- See Preferred Viewing Date.
- To go back to your list of accepted leads, click on the back arrow beside Inquiry Details.
You can also filter the list to view only your accepted leads that match your preferences before you schedule a viewing. If you want to filter the list:
- Click the orange Filter button on the uppermost right side of the page to filter your accepted leads.
A filter box will appear.
- Input your preferences.
- Click Apply to refresh the list.
- The accepted leads that match your preferences will appear beside the filter box.
Now that you know the preferred viewing date of your client, you can finally schedule a viewing.
- Under the Actions column, click the 3 vertical dots menu button of the inquiry.
- Click Schedule a Viewing.
A dialogue box that would remind you to review the Fast Track Form of your chosen inquiry will show.
- Click Proceed to move onto the next process; click Cancel to go back to the previous page and review the Fast Track Form again.
When you Click Proceed, a Suggested Properties dialogue box will show. It will display properties that match the preferences indicated in the Fast Track Form of your client.
NOTE: Click Tag as LOST if the inquiry is no longer available or has been lost because of various reasons. Click Return Lead if you do not want to work on the inquiry; take note that when you return a lead, it will never be assigned to you again.
The Client Selected tab will display the properties your client has selected. The My Listings tab will display your uploaded properties that match the preferences of your client. The Hoppler Owners tab will display the properties directly uploaded by owners that match the preferences of your clients. The Other Brokers tab will display the listings of other brokers that match the preferences of your clients.
- Decide which properties you want to include on your viewing list.
To add a property to your viewing list:
- Click Request Contact.
The contact details of the person who uploaded the property will be displayed. Call or email the person to confirm the availability of the property and inform him of your intention to include his listing on your viewing list.
- Once the contact person agrees and confirms availability, click Add to List.
The property will appear on the Viewing List. However, if you want to remove a property in your viewing list, simply click the orange Remove button.
- When you are done adding properties to your viewing list, click Save.
- Click Download Viewing List to get an Excel file of your viewing list; this will automatically be downloaded and saved to your device.
NOTE: Click Preview to open a webpage where you can review your list or click Copy Link to add the link to your clipboard. You can also share this link with your client later on.
- Click the Close button on the uppermost right side of the Suggested Properties dialogue box.
- Another dialogue box will appear. Click Next to look at your scheduled viewings or click Close to create another viewing list.
Creating a viewing list is another step towards closing a deal. When the viewing is successful and the sales process is smooth, the signing of a contract will be inevitable. Thus, always visit your dashboard to check if there are leads that you can accept.
Through Kumita, Hoppler Partner Brokers can efficiently manage their time and clients. Moreover, it is mobile-friendly. It can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device.